Friday 21 April 2017

Everyone should do these things when travelling alone

Many people say travelling alone is the best experience they’ve ever had. No one rushing you somewhere you don’t want to go, you can just do whatever you want to do!

Here are ... things everyone should do when they take that solo trip...

1.         Check your luggage. You’re alone, so no one is waiting for you because everyone managed to only bring a carry-on.

2.         Sleep late. One day don’t set an alarm and sleep it, after all you don’t have anyone rushing you around!

3.         Wake up early. Go to sleep early and wake up early. When you’re alone you won’t have anyone pressuring you into going out on the town.

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4.         Cook. Go to the market and make something you love with the authentic local ingredients.

5.         Try a workout class. Whether it is Tai Chi in China or yoga in India, try something new that isn’t offered at home.

6.         Visit a popular restaurant without a reservation. This is brave, but often when you’re alone you’ll be seated at the bar without having to wait.

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7.         Stop at a local pub. Find out what everyone loves so much about it!

8.         Take your time wherever you go. Slowly stroll through museums and markets as you please – no one is there to hurry you up.

9.         Pretend you are a local. Wander into a local cafe or coffee shop, snack on a bagel and do some serious people-watching.

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10.     Do full-on tourist. Yes, the fanny pack, camera and tour guide – do it all!

11.     Eat EVERYTHING. Have an open mind and try something new, even if it is tuna eyeballs in Japan.

12.     Do nothing. You’re on holiday so relax and know that you’re alone so you don’t have to be anywhere.

Travelling alone is a wonderful experience – make the most of it and try out these things!

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