Wednesday 6 May 2015

10 of the most annoying people you see at the airport

In a perfect world, airline travel would be stress free, all passengers and airport workers would be polite and delays wouldn't exist. We’d also all be holding hands, singing and dancing while waiting for our flights. But since none of that is going to happen anytime soon, let’s work on some things that we can change.

We all have our irritations when it comes to other people’s behavior. If you see yourself on the list below, it’s a good time to own up…

1. The person who doesn't realise water is a liquid
A liquid could also mean moisturizer, coffee, soup, shower gel – just about anything that is an actual liquid really. The liquid smuggler likes to hold up the security line with their illegal cream soda and banned milkshake. They can usually be heard saying, “Oh, I totally forgot that was even in there.”

2. The person who hasn't been on a plane since 2000
We all know what happened in 2001. Laptops and liquids need to be taken out; shoes need to come off etc. This particular person doesn't seem to realise that you can’t just walk up to the departure gate anymore. They can usually be found surrounded by security personnel, who have to try and use diagrams and sometimes puppets to explain the rules to them.

3. The person who puts their bag before humanity
This person also goes by the name of Seat Hog. This traveler believes their carry-on, coat and shopping bags all deserve their own seat. Old ladies and frail people, we’re looking at you!

4. The person who forgets they’re at the airport to actually take a flight
This person is usually found drinking it up at the airport bar. They are currently the subject of a new type of phenomenon – passenger shaming. Well, at least at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport they do… they announce the offending passengers name followed by, “You are delaying the flight! Immediate boarding please at gate XYZ or we will proceed to offload your luggage!” Oh, those darn Dutch.

5. The person who thinks the flight is going to leave without them
This person is usually skulking directly in front of the boarding gate, waiting for the first sign of movement towards boarding the plane. They can also be found hounding the gate agent for early boarding or seat upgrades, usually they can be heard saying, “I've got a nervous tic syndrome/scoliosis – I NEED to get on the plane early to settle myself.”

6. The person with free range kids
This person has given up on the enforcement side of parenting, they occupy a wondrous zone somewhat between oblivion and neglect, not realising or caring the havoc their spawn are creating. If this sounds like you and your children, make sure you read up about how to keep them – or you – busy.

7. The person who doesn't understand how escalators work
This person can usually be found scratching their head and looking confused at the top or bottom of the escalator. This particular person suffers from a similar ailment – blocking the path of people behind them and hogging the entire width of the moving walkway.  

8. The person who thinks the airport is an extension of their living room
This person can be spotted with their shoes off and their feet leaning on whatever structure is handy – probably the seat across from them. This type of annoying passenger generally leaves their coffee cup and MacDonald’s packet scattered on the floor when they finally board. They are in firm belief that their mother does indeed work at the airport and clean up after them.

9. The person with the emotional baggage
This person suffers from the most foul of ailments – the need to hog the baggage carousel. They can be spotted at the exact point where the baggage exists the carousel, loudly cursing when theirs is not the first out of the chute. Similarly this person is also prone to extended bouts of baggage confusion, like picking up luggage that isn't theirs, then throwing it back in disgust.

10. The person who has everything together
This person is seen gliding effortlessly through the airport, fashionably dressed, while they exude an unassuming confidence. Doors seem to open for them, they whisk through the security line and they get upgraded without even asking. They always have their boarding pass and passport at the ready, open to the identification page… in short they are the absolute perfect passenger, and that’s why they’re annoying!

Do you notice any similarities between you and any of these annoying people at the airport? If so, you might want to get that sorted out right away! What annoying behaviour have you seen at the airport?

Make sure to book in at 808 Cartwright if you are travelling to Cape Town - for the best, most affordable self-catering apartment, with amazing views of the Mother City. Need a shuttle service to and from Cape Town International Airport? Contact Airport Shuttle today!

Written By: Christine Romans
CopyWriter  at The Computer Guyz Cape Town

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